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  • Telepon Satelite Inmarsat Isatphone Pro Second / 081298737575

Telepon Satelite Inmarsat Isatphone Pro Second / 081298737575

Update Terakhir
28 / 12 / 2019
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit


Rp. 6.000.000
Tahun 2007 kami memulai usaha dibidang penjualan alat survey dan pemetaan seperti GPS, Total Station, Theodolite,echo sunder, water pass, Laser distance meter dan alat pendukung lainnya seperti software dan peta digital. Tahun 2008 kami mulai ekspansi dengan memasarkan teleskop dan binocular.

Detail Telepon Satelite Inmarsat Isatphone Pro Second / 081298737575

Kondisi Masih Bagus 95%
Masih berfungsi dengan baik

* Reliable network: Our unrivalled record of 99.9 per cent network availability reduces the risk of dropped calls. And, with an expected satellite lifespan into the 2020s, your investment is assured.
* Global coverage: IsatPhone Pro coverage is worldwide, apart from the Poles. Calls are made via a single, global network so there are no roaming charges.
* Long battery life: Battery life is one of the longest on the market, with up to 8 hours talk time and 100 hours standby.
* Bluetooth: Supports Bluetooth rest the handset on its side for easy hands-free use.
* Clear voice quality: Exceptional clarity of calls, parable with mobile cellular, giving clear voice recognition.
* Robust handset: Operates at -20C to +55C, is dust and splash proof (IP54) and extremely robust. It also has a humidity tolerance from 0 to 95 per cent.
* Easy to use: Intuitive GSM-style interface and high-visibility colour screen with a larger keypad for easy dialling with gloves on.
* Languages supported: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish
* Other features: GPS location data look-up-and-send, SMS, Email, Short message email, Telephon
* Applications: Social and welfare munications, Temporary field office munications

Paket Termasuk :
1x Isatphone Pro
1x CD
1x Charger
1x Earphone
1x Kabel USB

Belum Termasuk kartu perdana dan Pulsa.

Tambah Kartu Perdana + Pulsa 50unit Rp 1.500.000

021-7410545 / 021-53153871
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